Thursday, December 31, 2009

Morning Visuals

The area where "33Bowls - Morning" was recorded. A couple specks that are actually majestic birds flying east towards the rising Sun over the morning fog filling the lake valley. A small reminder of civilization in the foreground of the lake valley full of morning fog. The morning light of the Sun shining through the trees into the evaporating fog.

Visit for sounds to accompany the visuals.

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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Myriad forms of resonance

Listen to the whole recording here, and if you like it, Amazon mp3 downloads are still $1.78 for the whole album. Update: CDs are scheduled to be available by Valentine's Day, and are being mastered in HDCD format from the 24bit masters for high resolution enjoyment.

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Monday, October 5, 2009

Why, What and What next?

Rollover mouse, pop out player widget to listen while continuing to surf.

The buy link on the widget above is iTunes only, more choices at

The 33bowls project started off with a couple seemingly innocent questions: "Wouldn't it be nice if...", "Wouldn't is be fun to..." One thing led to another, and a collection of Tibetan Singing Bowls of varying antiquity found their way, Bowl by Bowl, to the facilitator of the project, seemingly assembling themselves as a complete tuned set of pairs of do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do tuned Bowls. Plus larger "bass" Bowls, also pitch matched. Not exact western pitch, but close to western ratios between pitches.

Based on early rave responses by friends, peers and cohorts to performances and test recordings, the next obvious step was to share with a larger audience.

The intention has never been to sell or persuade you or anyone to buy a product, rather the form of greed is this: the more blissed out, chilled out, happy, harmonious, coherent people there are on this Planet, the more fun the 33bowls facilitator will have on the Planet with them. The distribution is intended to provide as good a value as possible: pricing will be rock bottom for downloads and physical CDs. The entire recordings are available for free listening on the main website as a streaming palyer, so you will know what you are getting. The fidelity of downloads is actually better than what is heard on the free streaming player, and of course, the CD version is even higher resolution. They sound startlingly real on a high end stereo system, often fooling listeners in the same room as the Bowls themselves; yet do maintain the essential qualities of sound and resonance through distribution via AAC, mp3, and streaming media. We have strived for a balance between too yin and too yang when played through most systems, starting with as clean a recording path as practical. The master recordings have been in 44/24 format; future ones will be in 88/24 format for additional hi-res distribution via HDtracks and HDCD encoded CDs.

Future projects include:

A 20 to 45 minute mellower version for deep, deep meditation with less mallet and percussive sound, more soft sustains and decays. Specifically lots of "binaural" beats when listened to with headphones.

A 20 to 30 minute toning sequence moving up the musical scale, specifically for toning, singing, omming, humming along; with just the right amount of timing between notes for breathing in and omming out. What to call it? ET tone OM?

A 45 minute "Bowls with a background of Ocean Waves" recording. Although there are already way too many such recordings gathering dust on the new age shelves and bins of stores, this is at the request of a craniosacral therapist. The rate of the Ocean Waves, six to ten times a minute correlates with the craniosacral rhythm; it is measurable seismically from the Oceans pounding the shore and literally permeates all of nature, ourselves included; we feel good when in sync with it. Needless to say, the Ocean Waves for this will be recorded full, straight through, live with no editing or looping.

What would you like to hear? Twitter @33bowls

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Friday, October 2, 2009

Now available: Amazon mp3 downloads

Amazon mp3: 33bowls, $1.78, 72 minutes, quite a deal.

A streaming player and links to amazon are here:

Try before you buy. Listen to the entire recording (albeit in somewhat lower fidelity at lower bit rates for streaming). But you get the idea. Enjoy.

This is an oscilloscope view of a snippet of the track "morning". The exponential decay modulated by sub-harmonic beats is visible. The slight visual fuzziness is actually smaller amplitude resonances of the room and other bowls.

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Saturday, September 26, 2009

100% Organic Heavy Metal: Tibetan Singing Bowls

See the upper right hand corner to listen to the full tracks. If you like what you hear, buy links are in the neighborhood.

33 Bowls track 1: Morning 27:17

33 Bowls track: Rain 45:30

The recording and editing of the first release, titled "33 Bowls", is complete. Cover Art is being finalized. "33 Bowls" will contain two extended tracks: 1) a 27 minute track titled "Morning" which is "just" Bowls with a few birds chirping in the background for the first few minutes, as the recording was done at the crack of Dawn; and 2) a 45 minute track titled "Rain" which has a somewhat "softer" sound and a gentle background of tropical rain, also a birdsong in the beginning. The Bowls, of course, were inside and did not fill up with tropical rainwater. The recordings were done with custom microphones, cables, preamplifiers, carbon fiber isolation shelves, and high resolution analog to digital converters. There are no electronic tricks or artifices, hence they are not "perfect" but quite "real". There are thirty three Tibetan Singing Bowls in the recordings, just not all played simultaneously. Announcement of the release via iTunes, Amazon, and direct purchase will be forthcoming. In the meantime, enjoy the samples. Comments, feedback, suggestions, requests are all welcomed.

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If Bunnies were Bowls: a microphone's eye view

Sitting on a wooden floor under a Grand Piano, the Tibetan Bowls "talk" to each other and the Piano; resonate with and throughout the room.

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Deep Gratitude to countless generations of Artisans who listened to the Grand Muse; who practiced, even mastered the Art of expressing the resonance and coherence of the Universal Aum; who crafted these and other Singing Bowls.
Your memory lives on.

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Tibetan Singing Bowls

   (4379 KB)
Listen on posterous

Sample of more to come. Enjoy.

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