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The was much in the way of thought and deliberation over the paradox of a ringtone of 33 Bowls. Would it be almost sacrilegious to the Artisans who created these wonderful Singing Bowls, or to the Art of Singing Bowls in general? On one hand, the short attention span, the distraction factor, the health issues, the numbing down of intuition, the ease of tracking and wiretapping associated with mobile phones all are not so good. On the other hand, the interconnectivity, and concomitant community available is a very good thing. Information is golden. On yet another hand is the serenity, coherence, mindfulness, presence of Singing Bowls that one just gets the slightest hint or taste of in a 29 second snippet. What evolved was recorded specifically as a ringtone, rather than just sampling part of an existing recording. Probably one of the few ringtones recorded in high resolution 24 bit 88.2 kHz sampling! Less nuance, more of a stand out and hear this kind of quality to it, but still with plenty of texture, overtones, binaural sub-beats. Maybe someone hearing them on your phone will be reminded or even motivated to engage in some kind of mindful practice, or maybe they will be gently reminded to relax and chill a bit more.
For the ubiquitous iPhone, search for 33bowls from your iPhone ringtone store directly.
For others phones/carriers, except Verizon, go to this link:
Not yet available for Verizon subscribers. You might consider Credo Mobile as an alternative.
Ironically, due to efficiencies in the marketplace, the ringtone is similarly priced to the entire MP3 album download on Amazon. Streaning audio players of the entire album are always free to preview (along with links to purchase) at: http://33bowls.com